WIZARDS Bug Release - 11081

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Product Overview

WIZARDS Bug Release  -  Quickly Removes Bugs & Residue  -  All Surface Bug Remover   -  11081

Safe for All Paints. Plastics & Motorcycle Windshields. 

WIZARDS BUG RELASE is a powerful but effective cleaner, specifically formulated to soften and neutralize the acidic proteins found in bugs. This neutralization helps to safely release bug residue without attacking or damaging surfaces, including paint, chrome, glass, plastic and motorcycle windshields. BUG RELEASE is non-toxic, biodegradable and ready-to-use as a presoak on bugs before washing. It can also be used as a spot cleaner for light bug residue, thereby preventing bugs from spotting or staining paint. 

22 FL OZ. 650 ML.